Do you really need to be notified every second of every day with every App??

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Wouldn’t be nice to not have to be Notified by every new message, new text, new reaction; every minute of every day?

Notifications, wake us up, interrupt us, take us away from concentrating on one person or one task.

In fact – in my opinion, they are a hindrance to our society. Why should we have to be reminded to mute our mobile devices in public places? Why should we have to know every time we receive a new email message or someone sitting next to you receives a new text?

Privacy Mode is Real! When we are out in public we should all turn off the Sound Notification.

So, how does one turn off the Notifications?

On your Device:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Notifications
  3. Tap on Every App
  4. The ones that you don’t use on a regular basis – turn the Notification OFF
  5. The ones that you do use – Select Badge App Icon ONLY

On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and any other Social Media App:

  1. Login
  2. Go to Settings
  3. Click or Tap Notifications
  4. Peruse through All – on the app, via email, via desktop and mobile and please just turn off Text message option.

Even on your Computer – Turn them Off!

On your PC: 

  1. Click on the chat icon in the lower left corner of your screen
  2. Click See Fewer Notifications

On your Mac:

  1. Click on the chat icon in the upper left corner of your screen
  2. Click See Fewer Notifications


Image result for badge app notification iconDon’t worry – You can still be Notified without the sound, ding, or chime with a pop-up notification instead. You will know – because the badge app icon will appear to tell you when you have a new message, a new text, or a new reaction.

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